A new phenomenon has arrived which leaves all cellulosic (terrestrial) biomass, in its wake. It has been recently discovered that algal (aquatic) biomass can produce more biomass, greater biofuel yields, is much more efficient use in time and space than any terrestrial plant. For example, Fuel Ethanol produced from one acre of Corn grain yields an average of 420 gallons of fuel ethanol per year, in comparison with one acre of Algae that yields an average of 5,000 gallons of biodiesel in a year.
Other comparisons such as an acre of Palm Oil yields 650 gallons of biodiesel, Sugarcane yields 650 gallons of fuel ethanol and Rapeseed (Canola Oil) yields 150 gallons of biodiesel. Algal biomass is the most efficient, sustainable, economic use alternative as a bio-fuel. It does not interfere with food security, nor agriculture cropping land areas as algae can be grows in saltwater or on arid land.
The average terrestrial plant biomass processing factory requires a nearby sugarcane plantation of 75,000 acres as the feedstock to acheive a fuel yield of 80GGE/ton via biochemical conversion of cane to fuel ethanol. (GGE means Gallon Gasoline Equivalent) In comparison an algal biomass proceesing factory of the most economic model would cost approxiately US$ 460 million and requires a nearby growing area of only 10,000 acres to supply all year around the algae feedstock, to acheive a fuel yield of 138GGE/ton, which is 1.7 times higher than the cellulosic terrestrial sugarcane.
While processing figures for algae biomass show a far great return and better use of resources in the production of bio-fuels, algae production itself still remains in its infancy on a commercial scale. However, FSC believes with its high tech LED lighting system for continuous algae growth and computerized tank monitoring algae can be produced for $400/ton and with the pressure to replace fossil fuels with sustainable biofuel, financial incentives will be more readily available in the future. White Paper from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) on the Process, Design and Economics for the Conversion of Algal Biomass to Biofuels.